With so many responsibilities transferred into the hands of technology, can we trust the internet to cope with the additional burden?Ĭisco’s network infrastructure will be taking the strain during the Olympics, but there are global challenges posed by the Internet of Things - not least the need for each of the billions of new gadgets and sensors to have their own unique IP address. It’s not difficult to transform a car into a wi-fi hotspot, embed a screen into the dashboard, and bundle iTunes, Spotify, Facebook or Twitter with the car to allow entertainment and interaction during the journey. The motor industry has been at the forefront. Its safety and security will also depend on the internet, with CCTV cameras hooked up to the network, while the logistics of moving athletes in and around the city will also rely on web technology. The Olympics will rely on online thermostats.
Genius wasted meme tv#
We’re seeing remote controls for TV sets that can sense who is holding them and offer tailored viewing choices bathroom scales that don’t so much speak your weight as tweet your weight web-enabled thermostats that replace those fiddly plastic boxes with intelligent, reactive devices create your own personalised temperature schedule after a week of use. Today the Internet of Things is referenced in the same breath as a whole heap of technologies: smart objects equipped with sensors that push information across the web virtual personalities machines that control themselves without human intervention ambient intelligence, where computers can sense and react to the presence of humans and of course the network infrastructure that quietly pulls all this stuff together. His prediction began to be realised during 20, when the number of devices connected to the Net outnumbered the people using it. The term Internet of Things was coined in 1999 by British technology pioneer Kevin Ashton, who envisaged a time when the world wide web would be ubiquitous and the notion of “going online” wouldn’t be a conscious act the internet and physical world would become inextricably linked. BRANDPOST | PAID CONTENT Why Anna Taylor is a rock star on the ascent.Lampard offers behind the scenes training insight in Chelsea woe.

Lewis Hamilton set to snub Ferrari and sign imminent new deal with Mercedes.“More than ever before, people are driving devices to become internet enabled - and the power and data they can produce is staggering.” Read More “It’s a concept we are going to see explode over the next few years,” says Ian Foddering, chief technology officer and technical director for Cisco UK. New West End Company BRANDPOST | PAID CONTENT.Additional instances have appeared on Tumblr with the tag “genius meme,” MemeCenter and Reddit.
Genius wasted meme generator#
On December 27th, 2011, the Genius character was added to the webcomic generator site All The Rage Faces, followed by several appearances throughout Memebase between January and March, We Know Memes in March 2012 and August 2012.

The following day, Memebase user Viktor_Alekzander posted a response comic (shown below) suggesting that the face should be further developed into a rage comic character.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear whether the character was traced from a photographic image or posted anywhere prior to this comic. Titled “Idiot Savant Says…,” the comic depicts a tablet user who is frustrated with typing on the touch screen and attempts to solve the problem by buying a case with a keyboard, making the tablet function just like a laptop. The earliest comic using the Genius face was submitted by Cheezburger user antihero to the four pane comic site Comixed on September 1st, 2011.